A dog is like a television remote that needs to be programmed to work well with a TV. The remote has the capability to work properly, but it needs someone to program it to work. Dogs have a lot of potential to learn, they just need a caring person to bring out their good traits.
One of the most important things to teach your dog is to come back to you. Your dog should return when called.Build this essential behavior in steps so your dog learns to obey despite many distractions. Recall may one day save the life of your dog, but it can also be life-saving.
Learn how your dog's signals to help prevent it from having accidents. Most dogs exhibit some sort of pattern before they need to urinate. By learning your dog's behaviors, you will be able to bring your dog outside right away. House training will be so much simpler when you make yourself aware of the natural tendencies of your dog.
Don't ever get angry with your dog if he doesn't respond correctly.You are teaching and he is learning, so if your dog fails to respond well, it could be the fact that you are not such a good teacher.
Make sure you have your dog 'fixed' when he or spayed at six months old.This really should coincide with the same time as your first obedience classes. A newly neutered or spayed dog is a better pet and a more willing to learn. Your dog will be a better companion after training and he or she will lead to a better life overall for the animal.
Do not drag out your training sessions. If you wish to do more training, let the dog have a play break for stretching and relaxing before continuing with their training.
Teach your dog not to bark with a silent command to avoid barking. If you continue to repeat this, it will surely be able to associate having treats to it being quiet.
Changing your tone to reflect emotions is useful in getting the point across to your dog. Be firm with your command, but vary your tone depending on what you are trying to get the dog to do.
Rewarding your dog with praise is an integral part of reinforcing desired behaviors.
Does your dog like to tug on a leash? This annoying behavior is extremely common complaint that owners have with their dogs and it's simple to rectify.
Don't ever reward or bad behavior because you want to put a stop to it. This only makes the dog more likely to do what it wants and has power over you. An example of this would be to give your dog treats every time it barks.
Everyone in the family should use the exact same rules when addressing your dog.
Always use your dog's name when you need his or her attention. Your dog must respond when its name is called before you to have control. Try this with your dog at least ten times a day.
If you are ok with letting your dog do his business in the house, create a specific bathroom area for that purpose. Put down diaper pads and make it so they have just one pad to go on.
Consistency is king when it comes to training your dog. Being consistent applies to the words you use for the commands you are looking for the dog to obey, to the words's tone, and to rewards you provide the dog if he completes the command you teach him successfully.
The first rule to remember when you begin to house train your puppy is that what is eaten will eventually come out the other end. Feed your dog a high-quality diet three times regularly each day. This ensures your dog won't have accidents as you'll know when to expect a solid routine for bathroom breaks.
Use positive reinforcement when training your dog. Do not shout or hit him.This makes the dog think you do not know how to train him.
Never shout loudly at your dog if he or she excessively barks. Shouting at a barking dog to bark more.
As your dog becomes better when it comes to dog training, greater freedom can be granted. The spectrum of freedom and obedience is a rewarding one. Just be careful not to overdo it on the freedom initially as it can set your dog is properly trained before giving him so much slack.
Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive chewing behavior. If you keep him in a crate and give him toys that are safe for him to chew on, he can occupy himself while you're not at the house.
Once a person has figured out how to bring out the dogs abilities to learn and be trained, it is simply a matter of practicing those techniques. The dog will enjoy pleasing the owner as much as the owner enjoys seeing the dog responding to the training they are administering.
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